
Upcoming Book 2024:

>> Secretly Alive: Embodied Perspectives on Dance Improvisation

Soon to be published by NAMU, Czechia
Mish Rais, Mirka Eliasova, Lizzy Le Quesne (Ed’s)

book chapters:

>> Manifesting Dance: Homecoming, Expansion and a New Frame for Dance

Chapter - in ‘Skinner Releasing Technique - A Movement and Dance Practice’
Ed Manny A. Emslie, Triarchy Press, UK 2021

This chapter is reviewed in Choreographic Practices Journal:
Collinson, P. (2022). Choreographic Practices, 13(1), 123-126. 10.1386/chor_00045_5

> > An Intricate Field - In search of freedom and togetherness: inter-subjectivity and materiality in shared space
Chapter - in ‘Attending to Movement: Somatic Perspectives on Living in the World’. Ed. Whatley, Garret-Brown, Alexander, Triarchy Press, UK 2015

current research:

>> A Dance of Becoming: SRT, Somatic Dance and Philosophies of Becoming
Practice based PhD (completion early 2025)
Centre for Dance Research, Coventry University 2021-2024

Funded by AHRC, M4C Full Scholarship

>> Improvisation as a Choreographic, Authorial and Creative Principle
International research project with Academy of Performing Arts in Prague, Czech Republic  - with Mirka Eliasova and Mish Rais 2020-2023
Funded by Academy of Performing Arts in Prague and DKR Endowment provided by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic

> > Two Women - Breathing Life into Life
Moving and being moved: a poetic response to improvised performance ‘A Revealed Study’ by Franziska Boehm and Serena Ruth
Choreographnet 2023

peer reviewed journal and conference papers:

> > Improvisation as practicing trust : interview with Julyen Hamilton
Theatralia, Vol.26, No.2 (2023)
Eliasova, Hamilton,Le Quesne, Rais
> > Thinking-Feeling Desire in the Now: post-capitalist desire and practices of the body
LCCT The London Conference of Critical Thought (2023)
Stream of 3 panels involving participatory workshops and paper presentations from international speakers 30.06-1.07.2023

> > Two Women: Breathing Life into Life
https://choreographnet (2023)

> > Skinner Releasing Technique and the Autonomic Nervous System: Processes of nurturing embodied experiences of safety and freedom

Master of Arts by Research 
Centre for Dance Research, Coventry University (2021)
Funded by AHRC, M4C Full Scholarship

> >  A dance practice of ‘choreographic improvisation’: interview with Rosalind Crisp
Mirka Eliášová, Lizzy Le Quesne, Mish Rais

Independent Dance’s Digital Library (2022)

> > Learning to Dance in the 21st Century: Skinner Releasing Technique as Technology of Becoming, in a New Materialist Frame
Journal of Dance and Somatic Practices. Issue 10.1 Pedagogy and Process: Somatic Informed Education in a Postmodern Era’ (2018)

> > PostWar Space Girls: urban space, girls and the abject
BodySpaceMemory - Visualising Relationships - Symposium, Coventry University (2015)

> > An Intricate Field           
Conference of Dance and Somatic Practices, Coventry University (2013) (Choreographic intervention into public space, exploring embodied intersubjectivity and Michael Klien’s ‘Propositions to Dance Differently’)

> > The Reach for Presence
Afterall Journal Online (2010)

art magazines:

> > Nervous Systems: incessant feeling states and dance as life
Disability Arts Online, July 2019

> > Art Penetrates Life: Rosemary Lee’s Square Dances, Dance Umbrella 2012
People Dancing: The Foundation for Community Dance, Spring/Summer 2012

> > What is a feminist now? Consumerism, capitalism, class and the body
Umulec International, Divus 2010/2

> > Welcome to the Free World.  Productive squabbling at Authentic Structures
Authentic Structures symposium on art in post communist Eastern Europe, Prague 2004
Umulec International, Divus 2004/4

> > Goshka Macuga: The Nature of the Beast
Umulec International, Divus 2010/1

live presentation and broadcast:

>> Reaching Dancers Unconscious Experience through the Skinner Releasing Technique. Interview, CNADE Podcast ‘Dance Education in the 21st Century’ 2021

Becoming Spongey, movement class, Inkling Room, Netil Radio 2021

>> Jarmila Jerabkova International Choreography Competition, Jury member
Prague 2002, 2003, 2004, 2017
>> Dance as Medicine, Chisenhale Dance Space and online, interview 2017
>> Memory at Work, Independent Dance 2016
>> Reading Dance, Discussion Panel, Czech Dance Platform Prague 2015
>> Meaning and Movement, Presenter, Dancing Oxford Festival, 2014
>> Skype Dialogues (recording/editing) - with Frank Bock. What Now festival. Siobhan Davies Dance Studios 2013
>> On Taking Care: Rosemary Lee’s Common Dance Writer, Presenter (DVD) Rescen 2012
>> Childbirth and Dance, Writer Presenter, Resonance FM (radio) 2011
>> Writers’ Response, What If? Festival, Writer, Presenter, Siobhan Davies Studios 2010
>> Movement and Meaning, Writer, Presenter, Siobhan Davies Studios 2010
>> Dance and Performance Art - The Great Divide, Guest Provocateur, Panel discussion, Summer Dancing Festival, Coventry 2009

arts, dance, culture magazines and newspapers:

>> Afterall;    >> Animated;     >> Ballet International;  >> Ballet-Tanz;    >> Contemporary;     >>;    >> Dance Magazine USA;    >> Dance Theatre Journal;    >> Disability Arts Online;   >> Flash Art;    >> Journal of Dance and Somatic Practices;      >> State of Art;     >> Tanz;   >> TanecniZona;   >> Time Out Guides (Prague) >> Umelec International  >> Artist and arts festival catalogue;
>> Prague Post (art and dance reviews 2001-2007); >> Lidove Noviny; >> Central Europe Review; >> Transitions Online; >> Intelligent Lif  


>> Tanecni Zona / Dance Zone - print quarterly magazine, Czech Republic. 2001-2005 (acting editor in chief 2003-2004)
>> Konfrontace/ Confrontations performance festival catalogues 2001, 2002
>> Duncan Centre Conservatoire 10 Years Anniversary brochure 2002
>> Skype Dialogues - with Frank Bock. What Now festival. Siobhan Davies Dance Studios 2013